Getting Started
Composing Components

Composing Components

Whilst cva doesn't yet offer a built-in method for composing components together, it does offer the tools to extend components on your own terms…

For example; two cva components, concatenated together with cx:

// components/card.ts
import type { VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";
import { cva, cx } from "class-variance-authority";
 * Box
export type BoxProps = VariantProps<typeof box>;
export const box = cva(["box", "box-border"], {
  variants: {
    margin: { 0: "m-0", 2: "m-2", 4: "m-4", 8: "m-8" },
    padding: { 0: "p-0", 2: "p-2", 4: "p-4", 8: "p-8" },
  defaultVariants: {
    margin: 0,
    padding: 0,
 * Card
type CardBaseProps = VariantProps<typeof cardBase>;
const cardBase = cva(["card", "border-solid", "border-slate-300", "rounded"], {
  variants: {
    shadow: {
      md: "drop-shadow-md",
      lg: "drop-shadow-lg",
      xl: "drop-shadow-xl",
export interface CardProps extends BoxProps, CardBaseProps {}
export const card = ({ margin, padding, shadow }: CardProps = {}) =>
  cx(box({ margin, padding }), cardBase({ shadow }));